
Desperado Beauty from Czech

DKK 0/0, DLK 0/0

Ch Cz, Cyprus Ch
Moonstruck Rumble Fish

DKK 0/0, DLK 0/0
SUCH DKUCH Moonstruck Blind Man´s Buff
NUCH Aniara´s Gilbert
Moonstruck Kickstart My Heart
SUCH DKUCH INTUCH Moonstruck Negative
NUCH SV-00 NORDV-01 KBHV-01 FINUCH FINV-01 Comics Acapulco
Almanza Lagonda Rapide at Ryegate
Ch Cz Abe z Vlčí stepi
DKK 0/0

ICh, Dual Ch, Ch SK Black Amandas Jolly Good Fellow
Black Amandas Count on Me
Almanza Wheel of Fortune
Erica z Vlčích luk IntCh, Ch CZ Melody Makers Hope of Liberty
Mix Up Mix Up of Fundy Bay´s Naiad

Hessi z Kroukartí         

HD 1/0

Emanon Crays
HD 0/0
CH Emanon Dependable
FTA Claverdon Dandy
Emanon Black Silk
Brigtstar Alice of Emanon Emanon Winter Berry
Brigtstar Penny Farthing

Fara z Kroukartí
HD 1/1

Jenky vom Retrieverzwinger
Branchalwood Ben Nevis
Bagira vom Retrieverzwinger
Ida pod Kančím vrchem
Hortensius vom Axenfels
Zita z Vlčích luk